Thursday, June 11, 2009

Τρυστ Ωιλλ Βρινγ Πεαcε

α β c δ ε φ γ η ι j κ λ μ ν ο π θ ρ σ τ υ ψ ω χ ξ ζ
Τρυστ Ωιλλ Βρινγ Πεαcε
βξ Αλαν Φολμσβεε, Jυνε 11, 2009

Κνοωλεδγε βρινγσ τρυστ,
Τρυστ ωιλλ βρινγ πεαcε.
Πεαcε βρινγσ προσπεριτξ,
Προσπεριτξ βρινγσ απατηξ.
Απατηξ ρεδυcεσ κνοωλεδγε.

You can read a short story I wrote using Greek letters. It is a science fiction story called
Time Liars. You can download the story for free here:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cuneiform Test 3


Next with no periods separating the characters, with one space between them:
𒀀 𒁀 𒉒 𒁓 𒀾 𒁕 𒂝 𒂠 𒁹 𒂚 𒁐 𒁇 𒁈 𒁑 𒄆 𒄍 𒁲 𒆧 𒈝 𒂡 𒌋 𒃻 𒉼 𒀭 𒁁 𒃱
The Perl program to produce Cuneiform substitutions is called

To see my Cuneiform paragraph using Microsoft Wordpad, download the font, which was previously at
The file is called:
To install the font for Wordpad, follow these instructions:
It worked for me, after selecting the font from the list in Wordpad.

To see the Cuneiform with Windows XP and Internet Explorer browser, set the software as follows. This works for my Acer Aspire PC while viewing the for Internet Explorer 7.
The menu Tools, internet options, General, Accessibility,
Ignore Font Styles Specified on Webpage
When you check that box, then the browser will display the font you
selected called Cuneiform Composite 1001.
That is in another menu.
View, Encoding, Unicode 8.
Another place specifies the font.
Tools, Internet Options, General, Fonts,
Select Cuneiform Composite on the left list.
That should allow you to read the Cuneiform alphabet
and 3 sentences, as for the Greek essays.Use this in the rev 63 perl program to get Cuneiform instead of Greek output file:
my @greek_small_letters = (73728, 73792, 74322, 73811, 73790, 73813, 73885, 73888, 73849, 73882, 73808, 73799, 73800, 73809, 73990, 73997, 73842, 74151, 74269, 73889, 74507, 73979, 74364, 73773, 73793, 73969);
When this code is used, the cuneiform letters are selected to resemble the Latin letter. It worked on June 13, 2009 ! It fails for Firefox and Chrome browsers, but it works for Microsoft Internet Explorer. (12/30/2010).
𒂡𒂠𒀾 𒁐𒀾𒁁 𒁹𒈝 𒄍𒄆𒁹𒁑𒂡 𒄆𒁑𒀾 𒂡𒉼𒄆 𒈝𒀾𒃻𒀾𒁑 𒁈𒀾𒂝𒀀𒁀𒁁𒂡𒀾𒈝 𒄆𒁕 𒂠𒀾𒀭 𒀀𒁁𒀾 𒂡𒂠𒆧𒀾𒀾 𒀀𒈝 𒁓𒀾𒁕𒁹𒁑𒀾𒁓 𒁀𒁁 𒄍𒆧𒄆𒂝𒆧𒀀𒁈 𒂠𒀾𒀭-𒁐𒀾𒁁-1.𒄍𒁇

Monday, June 8, 2009

Russian coding is also educational

The work to make Greek text also resulted in Russian Cyrillic text
by changing the rev 63 program as follows for Unicode Cyrillic:
my @greek_small_letters = (1072, 1073, 1096, 1076, 1077, 1092, 1075,
1095, 1080, 1064, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087,
1102, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1097, 1099, 1093, 1079, 1078);
Here are the 26 letters mapped from Latin (English) to Cyrillic:
3 facts from science, spelled with Cyrillic letters in English sentences:
Форше еюуалс масс тимес ашшелератион.
Energy is force times distance and voltage times charge.
Енергз ис форше тимес дистанше анд щолтаге тимес шчарге.
Ыорк, чеат, енергз, анд торюуе чаще унитс оф фоот поундс.
You can see how similar Cyrillic is to Greek.

The Perl programs to convert English sentences to use Greek characters or Cyrillic or Cuneiform can be obtained for free here:
Each program has comments describing the names of the
input text file and output .rtf file that are used.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My USA Patent Numbers

Here are patent numbers for some of my inventions:
Ηερε αρε πατεντ νυμβερσ φορ σομε οφ μξ ινψεντιονσ:
4,757,468 Authenticated read-only memory
4,757,468 Αυτηεντιcατεδ ρεαδ-ονλξ μεμορξ
6,757,831 Ινστρυcτιον βυφφερ cονφιγυρατιον
6,675,298 Οπ cοδε λενγτησ λονγερ τηαν στανδαρδ
6,665,796 Μιcροπροcεσσορ ινστρυcτιον ρεσυλτ οβφυσcατιον
6,609,201 Σεcυρε προγραμ εχεcυτιον υσινγ ινστρυcτιον βυφφερ ιντερδεπενδενcιεσ
6,598,166 Μιcροπροcεσσορ ιν ωηιcη λογιc cηανγεσ δυρινγ εχεcυτιον
6,366,160 Ωαψεσηαπερ φορ φαλσε εδγε ρεjεcτιον οφ αν ινπυτ σιγναλ
6,308,256 Σεcυρε εχεcυτιον οφ προγραμ ινστρυcτιονσ προψιδεδ βξ νετωορκ
5,424,653 Γραδυαλ ον ουτπυτ βυφφερ ινcλυδινγ α ρεψερσε τυρν-οφφ αππαρατυσ
5,386,151 Λοω ψολταγε cηαργε πυμπσ υσινγ π-ωελλ δριψεν ΜΟΣ cαπαcιτορσ
4,694,412 Ρανδομ νυμβερ γενερατορ φορ αυτηεντιcατεδ ρεαδ-ονλξ μεμορξ
4,530,074 Ραδιατιον σηιελδ φορ α πορτιον οφ α ραδιατιον σενσιτιψε ΙC
4,519,050 Ραδιατιον σηιελδ φορ αν ΙC μεμορξ ωιτη ρεδυνδαντ ελεμεντσ
4,441,170 Μεμορξ ρεδυνδανcξ αππαρατυσ φορ σινγλε cηιπ μεμοριεσ
4,358,833 Μεμορξ ρεδυνδανcξ αππαρατυσ φορ σινγλε cηιπ μεμοριεσ

Perl Program, Rev. 63

# Warning the blogspot does not print angle brackets, so where it says
# while ($line =
# append angle bracket ENGLISH angle bracket inside the parentheses

# June 6, 2009 Alan Folmsbee, Kona, Hawaii
# .RTF Spec requires decimal Unicode in Wordpad Rich
# Text Format, after backslash u
# Unicode spec has Greek tables in hex so convert to decimal for .rtf
use strict;
use warnings;
my $paragraph = "C:/import/writings/greek/english_50.txt";
my $code_out = "C:/import/writings/greek/greek_63.rtf";
open(ENGLISH, "$paragraph") or die "Can't open $paragraph: $!";
open(GREEK, ">$code_out") or die "Can't open $code_out: $!";
# 26 small letters assigned for Unicode Greek version of English sentence.
# The letters c and j are left as in English so the 24 Greek letters have 2 added.
my @greek_small_letters = (945, 946, 99, 948, 949, 966, 947, 951, 953, 106,
954, 955, 956, 957, 959, 960, 952, 961, 963, 964, 965, 968, 969, 967, 958, 950);
# The RTF header is sent to the file.
print GREEK "\{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033\{\\fonttbl\{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman\;\}\{\\f1\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Arial\;\}\}
\{\\\*\\generator alan Msftedit 5\.41\.15\.1515\;\}\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\sb100\\sa100\\f0\\fs24";
my $k;
my $offset;
for ($k=0; $k<26; $k++) {
print GREEK "\\"."u".$greek_small_letters[$k].","; }
# Next, show capital letters numbered 32 less than small letters
for ($k=0; $k<26; $k++) {
$offset = $greek_small_letters[$k] - 32;
print GREEK "\\"."u".$offset.","; }
print GREEK "\\"."line";
my $line;
my $size;
while ($line = )
print "\n$line";
chomp $line;
my @english_sentence = split (//,$line,200);
$size = @english_sentence;
my $letter;
my $greek_letter;
for ($letter=0; $letter<$size; $letter++)
my $flag_match = 0;
for (my $j=0; $j<26; $j++)
# small letters
if ($flag_match !=1)
if (ord($english_sentence[$letter]) == ($j+97))
$greek_letter = $greek_small_letters[$j];
$flag_match = 1;
$greek_letter = ord($english_sentence[$letter]);
# capital letters
if ($flag_match !=1)
if (ord($english_sentence[$letter]) == ($j+65))
$greek_letter = $greek_small_letters[$j] - 32;
$flag_match = 1;
$greek_letter = ord($english_sentence[$letter]);
# handle newline code, the invisible code used as /line or /par in .rtf
if ($letter == ($size-1))
print GREEK "\\"."u".$greek_letter."\\"."line";
print GREEK "\\"."u".$greek_letter.",";;
print "\nThe size of the last sentence was $size characters";
print GREEK "\}";
close (ENGLISH);
close (GREEK);

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Greek Versions of Some Facts

Here is the 26 letter Greek encoding of an English (Latin) alphabet that was planned:


Here are 3 facts, like force equals mass times acceleration.

Φορcε εθυαλσ μασσ τιμεσ αccελερατιον.
Ενεργξ ισ φορcε τιμεσ διστανcε ανδ ψολταγε τιμεσ cηαργε.
Ωορκ, ηεατ, ενεργξ, ανδ τορθυε ηαψε υνιτσ οφ φοοτ πουνδσ.